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Traditional feast the traditional way

A traditional feast on the banana leaf is still the custom for festivities and ceremonies.  Be it a wedding, a birthday or a temple celebration, feast on the banana leaf is a must. Customs are changing, however you will be able to find a feast on banana feast in this region every now and then.  Like there is a way to server the feast, there is also a way to enjoy the feast.  We will be only happy to find an occasion where you can enjoy such a feast among real people.  We can also show you how to enjoy a feast the traditional way! 

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Pristine villages

Palakkad is one of the remaining places in Kerala where you can witness village life.  Once the rice bowl of Kerala, agriculture is still considered very serious by many here.  The image shows the seedlings of Paddy, ready for cultivation.  If you are interested, you can join the cultivation or harvesting of rice in the villages.